Your Heavy Truck Restoration Center
Welcome to "Truck Church"... The place old trucks come to get born again! We customize & rebuild your classic semi, full-size truck, shed hauler rig, or off-road vehicle to better than new.
∙ Classic Semis ∙ mega-cab trucks ∙ shed hauler trucks ∙ off-road vehicles ∙
Heavy Truck Restoration
Megatrain Truck conversions
Truck & Off-Road Accessories
There are plenty of people who will paint your trucks. Plenty of good people.
Very few will take the time to get down to its soul. That's where you find the issues.
- Sam Byler, Owner
Sambassador Trucks Advantage
Trucks are kinda like humans. Sometimes we have to get rid of a bunch of stuff before we can start back new. (Someone said this place is like truck church. Where old trucks become born again.) We're good with that.
Custom Builds
One of a kind show-stoppers are our forte. Check out our YouTube & Facebook channels for some inspiration.
Customer Service
We don't just slap paint on a pig and call it "custom". We meticulously build & customize from the ground up.
We have a wealth of connections for custom & hard-to-find parts you can't get anywhere else. Browse our website or Contact Us.
truck gallery
Wall Of Inspiration
From Our Clients
A huge shout out to Sam Byler at Sambassador Trucks. She’s a beauty. Sam is an absolute genius and master architect when it comes to putting together the best rig for you. He thinks it through and makes it happen. He’s the Sensei of Shed Rigs. - David
One of the most genuine good hearted men that I have ever met.
- Marlon
I love it when people have the passion, drive and energy to restore historical equipment!
- Henry
Sam will do you right! Straight forward and honest!
- Todd
He is the man👍⭐️nice trucks
- Charles
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